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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dendroaspis polylepis (Venomous)

Known as Black Mamba.It is the most deadly snake in the World .They grow 14 feet in length and it can travel up to 12 mph.His head is just like a coffin.his body is brownish and grey with light belly and bownish scales in his back.By the colour of lining of its mouth which is purple black  and which it display when threaten it takes the name of black mamba.It is found in south africa .they like rocky places and open wood lands.They sleep hollow trees ,borrows ,rocks and they will come back every night to the same place .Black mamba eats small mamals ,rats,squirrells,mice,rats,bushbabies.once mamba found parrot in its stomach another with a full grown Forest cobra .It will strike a large animal and then it release the parrot when he is dead.everal weeks after a pair of mamba mate the female lay eggs from 6 to 7.Mostly these snakes are found in pairs or small groups.they are very fast when human approach to them .When mamba feel that there is some threat it will raise it front and head about 3 to 4 feet off the ground then he open his mouth spread a flat hood and then shake its head .No animal can kill them cz they are invulnerable .

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