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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Thamnophis sirtalis (Non-Venomous)

Known as Common Garter snakes founded in North America .They have a yellow strips with brown or green background.their length is round about 55cm (22inch) and maximum aboout 137 cm (54 inch).their average body size is 150 is active in summer morning or  late afternoon but in cold season it stops its  activities to the warm afternoons.Its silivia is a toxis for the amphibians and other small animals but for human bieng its not dangerous but it can cause to them a little itching burning and swelling.The Female snakes GIve 12 to 40 birth to young from july to october They live in forests ,fields ,ponds,prairies to streams ,wet lands meadows  and marshes or near water.They eat amphibians ,earthworms ,fish ,small birds and rodents .Its main threats are Water contamination ,urban expansion,resedential and industrial developments.

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