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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Nerodia Taxispilota (Non-Venomous)

Common Name:Brown Watersnake
Scientific Name:Nerodia taxispilota
Genus:Nerodia is derived from the Greek words neros meaning "flowing" or "liquid" and dia meaning "through"
 Species:taxispilota is derived from the Greek words taxis which means "arrangement" and spilosmeaning "spot"
Vernacular Names:Aspic, false moccasin, great water snake, pied water snake, southern water snake, water rattler
Average Length:30 - 60 in. (76 - 152 cm)
Virginia Record Length: 68.7 in. (174.5 cm)
Record length:69.5 in. (176.6 cm)

The brown water snake is very heavy-bodied, and its neck is distinctly narrower than its head. Dorsally it is brown or rusty brown with a row of about 25 black or dark brown square blotches down its back. Smaller similar blotches alternate on the sides. Ventrally it is yellow heavily marked with black or dark brown

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