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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Naja pallida (Venomous)

Known as red spitting cobra.The length of this medium size cobra 0.7 to 1.2 meter which is 2.3 to 3.9 ft but it may be grow to 1.5 meter which is 4.9 fit in every rare is usually had a bright solman red contrasted with abroad black throat band and subboclar is located in africa and different species of this snake has different colours in different areas as like the species from southern keniya and northern tanzaniya have orange red colour with dark blue band.its dorcal scale on mid bodies are 21 to 27 and its ventrals are 197 to 228 and sub caudals are 61 to 72 rows basically its subscale are paired and its anal scale is single .It is also located in east africa which include  dijibuti ,eriteria,southern egypt ,somalia ,northern and eastrn ethopia .it is also found in dry country like keniya.These cobras are very fast and allert and they are more active during the day.the bigger snakes like to hid in big holes or grounds to cover them in all the day.when threaten the cobra pull him up and display his typical cobra hood.their dite includes of frogs ,toads birds and other snakes.the female cobra lay 6 to 15 eggs.

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