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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Heterodon platirhinos (Non-Venomous)

Also known as Hognose snake .They are found in the rocky areas of the USA and South Canada.They like the area of dry Loose soils but it can also be found in pine forest or woodland to prairaies,meadows and pastures. These are thik body snakes with a total length of  50 to 115 cm.They are marked with dark blotches on grey ,brown,tan or pinkish background.some snakes are overall black in colour.their main characteristic is thier wide head with their flattend upper hed sout.they are known to live 11 years but how long in wild life is unknown .They are active during the day but they restrict activity in the morning and evening in hot weathers.They rely mainly on their senses of smell to to communicate with others mainly when they are breeding.They are also very sensitive to vibrations and fair eye sight.They are mostly like eating small reptiles ,reptiles eggs ,small mammals as like mice,insects and small song birds.the major portion of their diet is filled with toads .thier digging abilities wide mouth and flexible jaws and curved teeth make them helpful for eating toads .they are pray sometimes by large birds of prey or snake eating snakes as like milk snakes and blue racer.They are important member of healthy eco system as they control population of pest ..

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